Practicing all aspects of real forgiveness is the key to overcoming self-condemnation, compulsive behaviors, negative emotions, guilt, fear, shame, anger, hurt, anger towards God, broken relationships and much, much more. Practicing forgiveness is the key to Life.
In these books you will have the opportunity to discover what you might not know about forgiveness, and with it, experience of life, joy, peace, contentment, health, strength and loving relationships.
What is real forgiveness? How are we to practice it effectively? When we know the truth, the truth will make us free. When we don’t know the truth about God’s forgiveness, we remain broken and imprisoned. Discover what you might not know about forgiveness in this quick, easy to read book.
Purchase at -- click here.
For those who have previously purchased the “Unwrapping the Gift of Forgiveness” Seminar DVDs or previously attended the seminar, you may purchase additional workbook/notebooks on Amazon now.
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This 13-week personal and small group study book will help you learn what forgiveness is and how to practice it. It includes directions for small group facilitators and outlines for thirteen small group meetings.
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There is also a companion video set available on YouTube. The set contains short introductions to each chapter and may be used in small groups. — click here
This is the British English version of the U.S. book “What You Might Not Know About Forgiveness.”
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