Forgiveness Ministries exists to meet a need
Forgiveness is at the center of God's salvation message, and it is at the center of how to experience God's life in an ongoing and increasing basis. Another way to say it is that a right understanding of forgiveness is how a person becomes a Christian and also how a person lives as a Christian. Without forgiveness the Christian gospel is hollow and the Christian life is shallow. This should mean that every church and every Christian should be experts in biblical forgiveness. However, studies show, and Christian lives demonstrate, that we are not experiencing the fullness of God's forgiveness as deeply or as broadly as we could be. Why not?
Confusion About Forgiveness
Missing the Target
Forgiveness Ministries has researched over 60 Christian books on 'how to forgive.' From those books we have documented 32 different ways to forgive. This should be utterly astounding since there is only one way to forgive in the Bible - God's way. God invented forgiveness, established forgiveness, practices forgiveness, explains forgiveness, tells us how to receive His forgiveness and then tells us to forgive each other in the same way He forgives us. Forgiveness Ministries exists to help people discover what forgiveness really is, how God practices it and how we can join with Him in His gift of forgiveness.
Worldly Forgiveness vs Biblical Forgiveness
There are over 32 ways to forgive in the church today because the church has come to rely more upon secular psychology for inner healing rather than a holistic, balanced view of the Bible. And while psychology can help us to understand many critical truths, it cannot define the life-transforming reality of God's forgiveness, or how to apply it effectively in every aspect of life. Real forgiveness is God's forgiveness, and God's forgiveness is explained in the Bible. Forgiveness Ministries exists to help people discover God's forgiveness and how to experience it while still using the accurate observations of psychology.
Leaving the Cross of Christ Out of Forgiveness
It should seem strange that the Church would leave the Cross of Christ out of any discussion about forgiveness, but it does. Of the 32 ways to forgive, half of them do not include God in any of their steps. Another quarter include God, but not Jesus. The last quarter have Jesus but not the Cross. Forgiveness Ministries is convinced that "...without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness." Hebrews 9:22 If God needs the Cross of Christ to forgive us, then we need the Cross of Christ for forgive others. Forgiveness Ministries exists to help people discover the centrality of the Cross of Christ in all aspects of forgiveness.
Not Seeing the Two Sides of Sin and Forgiveness
Every sin is like a coin, and every coin has two sides. Every sin is a crime against God and has a divine penalty. However, every sin is also a destructive act that sets in motion a chain reaction of negative consequences. God forgives the penalty for sins unconditionally because Jesus has died and paid for them all. However, He forgives the consequences of sins conditionally; only when the guilty person repents or the victim forgives the offender. Failure to adequately discern the difference between the two sides of sin and forgiveness cripples an effective practice of forgiveness and has caused much confusion, pain, fear and depression. Forgiveness Ministries exists to help people discover the two sides of sin and forgiveness.
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